Gift Hope Return Policy
Date of Last Revision: March 17, 2018
Donations, once made, cannot be retracted or redirected. We however, give the donor seven day time from the time of donation to request that the donation be linked to specific groups.
Gift Hope allows a charity of any kind to obtain more funds from individual donations – at no additional cost or effort to the charity itself. All donations can make a bigger impact using Gift Hope.
Student groups, fraternities, sororities, recreational clubs, and more can use Gift Hope to more quickly raise funds for their favorite charities. They can also hold individual members accountable.
Corporations and other organizations can allocate new or existing funds to the charities of their choice. Partnering with Gift Hope makes it so that they get proper recognition for doing so.
Gift Hope Return Policy
Date of Last Revision: March 17, 2018
Donations, once made, cannot be retracted or redirected. We however, give the donor seven day time from the time of donation to request that the donation be linked to specific groups.
Our platform turns any donation into more money for your favorite charity.