Bigs in Blue & Bigs In Red

Miami, FL

Fundraising goals - $1000
Benefiting charity - Big Brothers Big Sisters of Miami
$   Funds raised through donations
$ Funds raised through matching donations
(calculated at the end of the program)

Bigs in Blue & Bigs In Red

Social Justice & Human Rights

Bigs in Blue is a unique subset of BBBSM programs in which at-risk youth (Littles) are matched with volunteer mentors (Bigs) who are local police officers and other law enforcement employees. Similarly, Bigs in Red matches Littles with Bigs who are local fire department employees and other first responders. These programs operate like all the other one-to-one mentoring programs – in the community, at schools, and through School to Work at various departments throughout the county. With 98% of BBBSM Littles being from families of African American, Hispanic, or mixed descent, the Bigs in Blue program has the added benefit of establishing and strengthening trust between communities of color and law enforcement. Bigs in Red has the added benefit of educating Littles about the importance of risk prevention measures and emergency preparedness.

Donate directly to Bigs in Blue & Bigs In Red