Edible School Gardens

Miami, FL

Fundraising goals - $1000
Benefiting charity - Slow Food Miami
$   Funds raised through donations
$ Funds raised through matching donations
(calculated at the end of the program)

Edible School Gardens

Health & Wellness

Our Edible School & Community Garden Program introduces children, their parents and educators to fresh, nutritious and seasonal food, teaching them how to grow it themselves. Each year we invite new and returning teachers to request grants for gardens, upkeep of those already planted and for expert gardening support. Our program currently reaches approximately 36,294 students in 50+ schools. When available, we arrange local farm field trips for teachers and students. This year we will provide 3 orientation classes for educators. At the beginning of the planting season, we provide a 2 hour seminar/luncheon with planting, troubleshooting tips, supplies and gift cards to purchase or replenish budgeted items for their school gardens. Our Directors of Gardens and Education provide ongoing support during the year and conduct educational outreach to each school. After one year, each teacher gets a second round of supplies for the next season. This year we will add 2 more training sessions and a Teacher’s Happy Hour at the end of the year, encouraging shared experiences with like-minded teachers. A few schools have created farmers markets; replaced bake sales with smoothie sales implementing fresh produce and used herbs from the gardens to make soaps and infused oils. Many schools have increased the number of beds from 1 or 2 to 6 or 7 beds, greatly raising knowledge and awareness of food. Students are learning to appreciate the value of good, clean, and fair food with SFM’s help.

Donate directly to Edible School Gardens