Group Engagement and Mentoring (GEM)

Miami, FL

Fundraising goals - $1000
Benefiting charity - Big Brothers Big Sisters of Miami
$   Funds raised through donations
$ Funds raised through matching donations
(calculated at the end of the program)

Group Engagement and Mentoring (GEM)

Social Justice & Human Rights

Group Engagement and Mentoring (GEM) takes place after school and on Saturdays (Big Saturdays) at the BBBSM headquarters, the Carnival Center for Excellence. Carefully-designed activities follow set curricula that are evidenced through research to have a positive impact on program participants. At-risk youth (Littles) – whether or not they are waiting to be matched with a one-to-one mentor (Big) – engage in activities with a set cohort and a designated GEM Big – a BBBSM staff member, an AmeriCorps Members, or a community volunteer – who guides the group through activities that surround five key pillars: Academic Enrichment, Workforce Development, Music & Arts, Digital Literacy, and Health & Wellness.

Donate directly to Group Engagement and Mentoring (GEM)