Junior Ambassadors

Miami, FL

Fundraising goals - $1000
Benefiting charity - Miami Waterkeeper
$   Funds raised through donations
$ Funds raised through matching donations
(calculated at the end of the program)

Junior Ambassadors

Environment & Conservation

The Junior Ambassador program educates local youth and promotes student involvement in protecting and defending Biscayne Bay and surrounding waters. This free, competitive environmental education program selects students from local high schools across Miami-Dade County. The Ambassadors complete four advocacy trainings and four service learning events throughout the year where they learn about environmental threats, civic engagement, creative problem solving, public speaking, and more. At the end of the year, the students give a presentation to a community group about our watershed, Biscayne Bay, current threats, and possible solutions. The Junior Ambassador program is designed to engage students in taking an active role in protecting the environment and to inspire future leaders in the community.

Donate directly to Junior Ambassadors