Kristi House
Miami, FL
Kristi House is the only child advocacy center in Miami-Dade County responsible for coordinating the systems of care for child-victims of sexual abuse, physical abuse and sex trafficking. Founded in 1995, Kristi House is a beacon of hope for families navigating the complex services involved in the healing process. With a staff of experts and a nationally recognized track record of restoring children’s lives, Kristi House is a proud member of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network for its leadership in treating child trauma and combating child sex trafficking.
Kristi House is the only child advocacy center in Miami-Dade County responsible for coordinating the systems of care for child-victims of sexual abuse, physical abuse and sex trafficking. Founded in 1995, Kristi House is a beacon of hope for...
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Kristi House
Annual Revenue: n/a
Expenses: n/a
Excess/Deficits: n/a
Program Expenses: n/a
Administrative Expenses: n/a
Fundraising Expenses: n/a
EIN: 65-0576650
Classification: Organization to Prevent Cruelty to Children
Subsection: 501(c)(3)
Name: Claudia C. Kitchens
Position: Chief Executive Officer
Email: kristi@kristihouse.org
Phone: (305) 547-6800
URL: http://www.kristihouse.org
Address: Miami, FL