Legal Advocacy

Miami, FL

Fundraising goals - $1000
Benefiting charity - Miami Waterkeeper
$   Funds raised through donations
$ Funds raised through matching donations
(calculated at the end of the program)

Legal Advocacy

Environment & Conservation

Miami Waterkeeper is one of the few environmental organizations in Miami who is willing to use one of the most powerful tools at our disposal to protect our watershed: the law. We take polluters to Court to protect our water, wildlife, and health. Our recent litigation work includes improving degraded and high flood risk sewage infrastructure in Miami, pushing for best practices in PortMiami’s Deep Dredge Project to protect our coral reefs, and asking for more resilient energy infrastructure in the face of sea level rise at Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant. Our advocacy team is actively engaged in the legislative process as well, representing our membership before local, state, and federal governmental bodies. Most recently, Miami Waterkeeper catalyzed a straw ban ordinance through the Village of Key Biscayne and secured dedicated funding for water quality monitoring in the face of prolific beach closures in several municipalities.

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