Panhell Prom

Miami, FL

Fundraising goals - $5000
Benefiting charity - Circle of Sisterhood
$6295   Funds raised through donations
$1000 Funds raised through matching donations
(calculated at the end of the program)

Panhell Prom


 Venue: University of Miami SAC Ballroom

 Time: September 26th, 8.00 PM-11.00 PM

The women of the Panhellenic Association will be holding a Panhell Prom to benefit Circle of Sisterhood. The prom will include raffles, a Mr. Panhell, food, music, and dancing. All proceeds from tickets will benefit Circle of Sisterhood (CoS). CoS is a non-profit organization founded and powered by sorority women on a mission to raise financial resources to help remove education barriers for girls and women facing poverty and oppression. The prom will be held on campus at the University of Miami SAC Ballroom on September 26th, 2019 from 8.00 PM 11.00 PM and is open to all college students, whether part of Panhellenic or not.

Donate directly to Panhell Prom