Site-Based Mentoring

Miami, FL

Fundraising goals - $5000
Benefiting charity - Big Brothers Big Sisters of Miami
$   Funds raised through donations
$1500 Funds raised through matching donations
(calculated at the end of the program)

Site-Based Mentoring

Social Justice & Human Rights

Bigs in Schools creates one-to-one mentoring matches between at-risk youth (Littles) and volunteer mentors (Bigs). Mentoring takes place during the school day on a weekly basis, allowing for each Little to have a positive role model who offers support and guidance throughout the year. School to Work is a one-to-one mentoring program that provides high school students (Littles) with career readiness and job-shadowing experiences at an actual place of work. Littles are transported once a month from school to a designated corporate partner site where they are matched one-to-one with a volunteer mentor (Big). In addition to job shadowing and mentoring, students participate in a formal curriculum to learn basic job preparation skills, such as appropriate dress and the necessity for an advanced degree for career growth. This motivates Littles toward increased academic performance, high school graduation, and college or technical training – ultimately qualifying them to meet the needs of our community’s employers. School to Work also opens the door to potential internship and job opportunities in the future.

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