The Everglades Foundation
Miami, FL
The Everglades Foundation is dedicated to protecting and restoring America’s Everglades. This unique ecosystem provides economic, recreational and life-sustaining benefits to the millions of people in Florida who depend on its future health. Through the advancement of scientifically sound and achievable solutions, the Foundation seeks to reverse the damage inflicted on the ecosystem and provide policymakers and the public with an honest and credible resource to help guide decision-making on complex restoration issues. The Foundation serves as a leader in building consensus for action in support of our mission. Our strength comes from the support we receive from our partners, board, staff and supporters who know we can correct mistakes of prior generations.
The Everglades Foundation is dedicated to protecting and restoring America’s Everglades. This unique ecosystem provides economic, recreational and life-sustaining benefits to the millions of people in Florida who depend on its future health....
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The Everglades Foundation
Fundraising goals - $1000
Benefiting charity - The Everglades Foundation
(calculated at the end of the program)
Everglades Literacy Program
Will you help students GROW and PROTECT the American Everglades? The Everglades Literacy Program serves K-12 educators and provides a comprehensive and integrated curriculum, which is easily customized and implemented. The goal of the initiative is to ensure that future generations of Floridians understand the social, ecological and economic value of the Everglades ecosystem and in order for this to be the case, we must provide a sustainable education and outreach program. Students completing these lessons from kindergarten through high school will graduate with a much greater understanding and appreciation of the Everglades and the role it plays in our lives. The implications go far beyond the ecology and environmental protection. They encompass economics, public health, urban planning and the overall welfare of South Florida. As such, they will ultimately constitute a more informed electorate, better able to play an active role in the public policy process at the local, state and national levels. Your gift (new or increased) will be matched dollar for dollar by the Batchelor Foundation, who has committed to advancing conservation education to students across Florida.
Donate directly to Everglades Literacy Program
Fundraising goals - $1000
Benefiting charity - The Everglades Foundation
(calculated at the end of the program)
George Barley Water Prize
Algae blooms, caused by excess nutrients, afflict 15,000 fresh water bodies in near every U.S. state, around the world. They are destroying our natural environments and pose a direct threat to human health and the drinking water supplies for tens of millions. Today, there is no safe, cost-effective way to remove excess phosphorus. Using current technologies, it would cost over $3 trillion to reduce by only 10%. The market potential for this technology is significant and could possibly produce additional benefit by the recovery and recycling of the removed phosphorus- a limited natural resource. In 2016, we announced the $10 million George Barley Water Prize…the world’s largest fresh water innovation award. Together with some of the world’s brightest minds…scientists, hydrologists, universities and engineers… we are advancing the science and economics of phosphorus removal. The Barley Water Prize is an $18 million endeavor – with the potential of solving a trillion-dollar problem.
Donate directly to George Barley Water Prize
Fundraising goals - $1000
Benefiting charity - The Everglades Foundation
(calculated at the end of the program)
Policy and Advocacy
STAND UP for America’s Everglades Serving as an influential powerhouse in the environmental world, The Everglades Foundation has a history of influencing environmental policy by providing bipartisan solutions backed by sound scientific research. Rooted in science and inspired by these solutions, The Everglades Foundation takes on a powerful democratic approach when advocating for the restoration of America’s beloved wetland. For a quarter century, the Everglades Foundation has been the driving force behind legislation at both the federal and state level that is having a profound effect on America’s Everglades. At the federal level, the Foundation is now working to pass the 2018 Water Resources Development Act, which will authorize federal funding of the Everglades Reservoir project. Already been passed in the U.S. House of Representatives following its approval by both the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the White House Office of Management Budget, it is now pending a vote in the U.S. Senate as part of S. 2800, “America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018.”
Donate directly to Policy and Advocacy
Fundraising goals - $1000
Benefiting charity - The Everglades Foundation
(calculated at the end of the program)
We need science for solution. The Everglades Foundation has always invested in science to assure that its objectives are grounded in fact. The Foundation has become the leading scientific voice of Everglades Restoration. No other non-governmental organization has the breadth and depth of scientific expertise and tools in the ecology, hydrology, water quality and economics focused on the Greater Everglades Ecosystem. Close collaborations with academic institutions, researchers and a record of scientific publication keep The Everglades Foundation science objectives keenly focused and highly respected. The Everglades Foundation Science Team has just released its five-year vision – Science Strategic Initiatives. This will guide the Foundation from 2018 forward with its focus on key strategic priorities.
Donate directly to Science
Fundraising goals - $1000
Benefiting charity - The Everglades Foundation
(calculated at the end of the program)
Everglades Literacy Program
Will you help students GROW and PROTECT the American Everglades? The Everglades Literacy Program serves K-12 educators and provides a comprehensive and integrated curriculum, which is easily customized and implemented. The goal of the initiative is to ensure that future generations of Floridians understand the social, ecological and economic value of the Everglades ecosystem and in order for this to be the case, we must provide a sustainable education and outreach program. Students completing these lessons from kindergarten through high school will graduate with a much greater understanding and appreciation of the Everglades and the role it plays in our lives. The implications go far beyond the ecology and environmental protection. They encompass economics, public health, urban planning and the overall welfare of South Florida. As such, they will ultimately constitute a more informed electorate, better able to play an active role in the public policy process at the local, state and national levels. Your gift (new or increased) will be matched dollar for dollar by the Batchelor Foundation, who has committed to advancing conservation education to students across Florida.
Donate directly to Everglades Literacy Program
Fundraising goals - $1000
Benefiting charity - The Everglades Foundation
(calculated at the end of the program)
George Barley Water Prize
Algae blooms, caused by excess nutrients, afflict 15,000 fresh water bodies in near every U.S. state, around the world. They are destroying our natural environments and pose a direct threat to human health and the drinking water supplies for tens of millions. Today, there is no safe, cost-effective way to remove excess phosphorus. Using current technologies, it would cost over $3 trillion to reduce by only 10%. The market potential for this technology is significant and could possibly produce additional benefit by the recovery and recycling of the removed phosphorus- a limited natural resource. In 2016, we announced the $10 million George Barley Water Prize…the world’s largest fresh water innovation award. Together with some of the world’s brightest minds…scientists, hydrologists, universities and engineers… we are advancing the science and economics of phosphorus removal. The Barley Water Prize is an $18 million endeavor – with the potential of solving a trillion-dollar problem.
Donate directly to George Barley Water Prize
Fundraising goals - $1000
Benefiting charity - The Everglades Foundation
(calculated at the end of the program)
Policy and Advocacy
STAND UP for America’s Everglades Serving as an influential powerhouse in the environmental world, The Everglades Foundation has a history of influencing environmental policy by providing bipartisan solutions backed by sound scientific research. Rooted in science and inspired by these solutions, The Everglades Foundation takes on a powerful democratic approach when advocating for the restoration of America’s beloved wetland. For a quarter century, the Everglades Foundation has been the driving force behind legislation at both the federal and state level that is having a profound effect on America’s Everglades. At the federal level, the Foundation is now working to pass the 2018 Water Resources Development Act, which will authorize federal funding of the Everglades Reservoir project. Already been passed in the U.S. House of Representatives following its approval by both the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the White House Office of Management Budget, it is now pending a vote in the U.S. Senate as part of S. 2800, “America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018.”
Donate directly to Policy and Advocacy
Fundraising goals - $1000
Benefiting charity - The Everglades Foundation
(calculated at the end of the program)
We need science for solution. The Everglades Foundation has always invested in science to assure that its objectives are grounded in fact. The Foundation has become the leading scientific voice of Everglades Restoration. No other non-governmental organization has the breadth and depth of scientific expertise and tools in the ecology, hydrology, water quality and economics focused on the Greater Everglades Ecosystem. Close collaborations with academic institutions, researchers and a record of scientific publication keep The Everglades Foundation science objectives keenly focused and highly respected. The Everglades Foundation Science Team has just released its five-year vision – Science Strategic Initiatives. This will guide the Foundation from 2018 forward with its focus on key strategic priorities.
Donate directly to Science
The Everglades Foundation
Annual Revenue: $7,827,383
Total Expenses: $8,149,416
Excess/Deficit: $-322,033
Program Expenses: 77.9%
Administrative Expense: 7.7%
Fundraising Expense: 14.3%
EIN: 59-3228899
Classification: Educational Organization
Subsection: 501(c)(3)
Name: Eric Eikenberg
Position: CEO
Phone: 305-251-0001
Address: n/a