Water Patrol
Miami, FL
Fundraising goals - $1000
Benefiting charity - Miami Waterkeeper
(calculated at the end of the program)
Water Patrol
The Water Patrol program is a citizen engagement program designed to expand our network of observers trained to recognize, document, and report pollution on our waterways. The program informs and empowers citizens to participate in keeping our water clean as they go about their lives on or around the water in Miami. If pollution is reported, we will take action to stop or correct the problem. The goal of this program is to reach “A Thousand Eyes on the Water,” or to train 500 community members through this work. In partnership with Ransom Everglades School, we have launched a branch of this program targeted specifically at middle and high school student teams to identify pollution in Biscayne Bay via monthly boat patrols. Free Water Patrol trainings are also being offered to members of the public
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